
 There are many things about our government that I don’t understand. In spite of that I love our country. Saluting our flag, repeating the Pledge of Allegiance, singing the Star Spangled Banner and God Bless America; I participate with gusto.

 I respect our military: both active and veterans. I applaud their service careers. However, I don’t understand Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. Fighting wars with countries who have NOT attacked us seems irrational.

 I’m further confused with the shenanigans on Wall Street and big corporations. Stella and I struggle to pay the IRS and make our quarterly payments. When we do get a notice from them about supposed errors, we sweat, until corrections are made. Thank you, Linda.

 I heard recently that most corporations do not pay one cent in taxes. Off shore accounts. The lack of regulatory laws for Wall Street have opened the doors for corruption. The big change came about because of President Reagan, who deregulated Insurance Companies, Banks etc.

 Now to the purpose for this diatribe. I am concerned, even irate, at the members of Congress and the Tea Party, who are dead set on destroying the SAFETY NET for seniors.

 What am I referring to? The eliminating of Medicare and Social Security for we seniors. Many live on fixed incomes. For many seniors their sole means of income is Social Security. Many are looking for menial jobs to provide additional income.

 In my experience, seniors are the age group most in need of Health Care, Medicare and Medicaid. Why? The older they get the more prone they are to getting sick and in need of health care.

 Another aspect of the Safety Net that is often forgotten is the Arts; Congress is planning to stop funding. Seniors often can’t drive or afford going to events, but they can watch programs on TV like PBS. Shame on you, Congress.

 History gives an illustrious account of seniors. A couple of viewpoints about the senior mystic.

 First, do you recognize the names: Warren Buffet, Moses, John Wooden, Tom Lasorda, Queen Elizabeth, Betty White, Sean Connery, Hugh Hefner, Maya Angelou, George Burns, Barbara Walters, President George Bush, Angela Lansbury, and President Jimmie Carter? You should. All of them were successful or are successful seniors.

 They are NOT my concern. I’m interested in the great number of seniors who eat dog food, live alone, have serious illnesses and have to choose between medication or food. Again, their SAFETY NET is in jeopardy.

 My second concern involves ethnicity and geography. Asians, Hispanics and Scandinavians respect their seniors the most. This is done in several ways. Denmark and Sweden provide socialized medicine and social security for all their seniors,

 Orientals and Hispanics have long revered the elderly. They are respected and honored. Neither ethnic group would think of “putting them away” in senior facilities. They are a part of the nuclear family.

 Cuba is a Hispanic nation. I have visited there four times: twice when Batista was the dictator and twice since Castro.

 Always and I mean always, I witnessed the honor that the citizenry had for seniors. Since Castro, the mansions that the wealthy had under Batista have been turned into senior centers. Again, I witnessed them. Neither Batista nor Castro can destroy the Cuban respect for Seniors.

 In summary. Our nation can ill afford to eliminate Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. NO Country can long survive that DISHONOR’S its seniors. Shame on you, Congressmen.

Amen. Selah. So be it.


G. W. Abersold Ph.D